1) Are SPX Summer Camps only offered to students who attend Saint Pius X School?
Saint Pius X (SPX) Camps are offered to all area students in rising PreK-8th grades; thus you do not need to be a current SPX student to attend. We offer a variety of camps including sports, fitness, arts, crafts, science, technology, enrichment, academic, and more!
2) What hours and days does camp run?
Camp hours are 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. We also offer Early Drop-off and Extended Day Care during the summer. Early Drop-off runs from 7:45 - 9:00 A.M. and Extended Day Care runs from 3:00 - 5:30 P.M. each day.
You will be able to add Early Drop-off and/or Extended Day Care when you register for Summer Camps.
Click on our Summer Camps page for all camp offerings.
3) Is there a cell phone number to contact in case of an emergency?
Yes! Please call 336.707.0729 if you need to contact camp staff between the hours of 7:45 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. You may want to program the number into your cell phone. During normal business hours, you may reach also us on our school phone number 336.273.9865.
4) Does SPX have a Before and After Camp Care program available?*
Early Drop-off is offered from 7:45 - 9:00 A.M. at the rate of $5 per day or $20 per week. Extended Day Care is offered from 3:00-5:30 P.M. daily at the rate of $15 per day or $65 per week. Late fees will apply to any children picked up after 5:30 P.M. at the rate of $1 per minute. Both Before and After Camp Care will be held in the Connolly Center (New Gym) located between the main building of the school and CVS.
5) How do I register my child for a camp?
Complete your registration by choosing the camp(s) you want on the Register Here page and following the prompts. You should receive a confirmation email immediately.
6) Does SPX Camps offer drop-in day care service?
No. Do not drop your child off at the school without registration confirmation or prior approval from the camp office.
7) What is the price of SPX Camps?
Camp and Workshop prices range from $95-$210
As you add more week-long Summer Camps, the price per camp decreases! Register for:
Before April 30th use the coupon code EARLYBIRD2024 in your cart (promo code box) to receive your Early Bird discount!
8) How do I pay for camps?
You can register and pay with a credit or debit card, or electronic check from the "Register Here" page on this website.
9) Do I need to pay the total amount due when I register?
You may enroll in camps by choosing a payment plan and paying a non-refundable deposit per camp or pay for the camp(s) in full at the time of registration. The deposits are inclusive, meaning that if you pay, for example, $50 towards a $185 balance when you register, then you only owe a balance of $135 by the end of the payment plan you choose at check-out.
10) How do I obtain a written receipt?
You will receive a confirmation e-mail once you register, and you will have access to your Camps account through Sawyer at any time.
11) What is your cancellation/refund policy?
If you need to cancel a camp, we will need a minimum of one full week's notice, and you will be refunded the camp total minus the non-refundable deposit of $55 and interchange fees (2.5%) per camp. If a full week's notice is not given, we will be unable to refund any amount for that camp week. Please understand that when we book camps we rely on fees to pay instructors and assistants and to cover all materials, and we thank you for your cooperation.
Refunds are usually processed within one week unless it needs to go through our school's business office (for payments made by check) which will be up to four weeks. Another option is to reschedule to another camp held on another week. With this option, you will not lose your deposit. Please email or call to let us know about your request as soon as possible. We will be happy to make the change for you.
12) What if my child is unable to attend camp one or more days as scheduled?
We are not able to refund days missed from camp due to short-term sickness, last minute vacations, etc. If you have an extenuating circumstance, refunds will be considered by camp administration. See question #11 for more information about our refund policy.
13) Does SPX Camps offer scholarships and reduced camp fees?
If you are a scholarship or financial aid family at St. Pius X school, please reach out to us directly at info@spxcamps.com to discuss this option.
14) How late am I able to register?
You may register through the Monday before the camp week requested if the camp still has availability.
15) How will I know if a camp is still available?
Camps are filled on a first-registered, first-served basis, so register your child as soon as possible. Most camps have a wait-list option but there is no guarantee that space will become available. You will see if a camp is full or not on the schedule on our Register Here page.
16) Where should campers report in the mornings?
If your child is attending Early Drop-off (7:45-9:00 A.M.), then he or she should report to the Connolly Center (Gym) located between the main building and CVS. Otherwise, the majority of the camps can be accessed from the traffic circle at the DeJoy Primary Education Building (between the Connolly Gym and Main School building). You will receive a reminder email the week before camp begins which will also detail this information.
The front doors of the DeJoy building will remain locked until 8:55 A.M. each camp day. If you arrive before 8:55 A.M., you will need to check your child into Early Drop-off, and there will be a charge. Your child's camp teacher will be available to sign your child in after 8:55 A.M. each morning. DO NOT CHECK YOUR CHILD INTO CAMP BEFORE 8:55 A.M. This allows camp teachers time to prepare for the day.
17) Do I need to sign my child in and out of camp each day?
You must walk your child in and out of camp each day. Campers arriving before 8:55 A.M. will need to check in to Early Drop-off, and there will be a charge. After 8:55 A.M., campers will need to be signed in to their appropriate camps by parents and/or guardians. Campers will also need to be signed out of their camps in the afternoons. If you have not picked up your child by 3:05 P.M., he/she will be checked into After Camp Care, and there will be a charge. YOU WILL NEED TO ACCOMPANY YOUR CHILD INTO AND OUT OF THE BUILDING EACH CAMP DAY. This policy ensures the safety of your child at all times.
Please let us know in advance if there are any issues with people who are not allowed to pick up your child. Our camp administrators and teachers need to be made aware of any special circumstances.
18) What if my child needs to take daily medication?
Campers needing daily medication, or who have an Epipen, will need to bring in a correct dosage along with a completed Medication Authorization Form, which requires a doctor's signature. These forms can be found HERE
19) What is the teacher to student ratio in my child’s camp? How many children will be in my child's camp?
Our ratio for summer camps consists of 1 staff member for every 9-10 campers. This does not include our wonderful volunteers who bring the ratio to an even smaller number. In many of our camps, campers are split into smaller groups or teams by age and/or ability.
20) Do you separate campers by age or rising grade? I noticed that sometimes there is an age gap within the camp offering.
All sports camps divide campers into smaller teams with their own assistant coaches. Those teams will participate in skills stations/games with teammates similar in age and ability. All other camps (art, enrichment, science, etc.) meet in rooms with tables that seat 4-6 students. Campers will be placed into smaller groups by table with friends similar in age. All camps may participate in whole group activities for part of the day, but will be separated into smaller groups for the most part. Camp teachers and assistants are there to assist with the smaller groups at all times.
21) Should campers bring a lunch or snack? Are concessions available?
All campers need to bring a bag lunch and/or snack each day unless they have ordered lunch on the Register Here page. Concessions (drinks and snacks/treats) are offered daily during morning snack and lunch times for campers and cost between 50¢ and $3.
Lunch boxes and bags will remain in the classroom with campers each day. Please be sure to pack ice packs if necessary as we do not have refrigeration space for food items.
This summer we are excited to offer lunch choices from Ghassan's, Barberitos, Jersey Mike's, Chick-fil-A, and Elizabeth's Pizza. You can order lunch up to a week in advance of your scheduled camp(s) from the Register Here page on the website.
22) What should my child wear to camp?
Campers should wear comfortable clothing and shoes to camp. For sports camps, it is recommended that they wear athletic shoes each day.
23) Do some camps go on field trips?
Almost all camp activities take place on the Saint Pius X School campus. However, some of the camps may occasionally go on theme-related field trips. If a field trip is planned, your child's camp instructor will provide you with a permission form and information related to the activity. All field trips will be paid in full by SPX Camps.
24) What should we do about sunscreen?
Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning. If you would like for your child to reapply sunscreen later in the day, please send in sunscreen with a note granting us permission to apply it, and give it to your child's camp teacher. Our camp staff will be happy to assist campers in applying sunscreen with a permission note.
25) What is the policy for cell phone use?
Our best recommendation is that phones stay home. Students are allowed to have a phone with them, but are expected to keep it put away unless they need to communicate with family members. If our staff members find that phone use is becoming a distraction they may choose to hold the phone for a time or until the end of the camp day. Please understand that our Camp staff works hard to make Camp a fun and enjoyable experience and your student will not benefit if they do not participate.
26) How do I obtain the latest information about SPX Camps?
Visit the SPX website at www.spxcamps.com! You may also contact our camp office by phone at 336.273.9865 or via email at info@spxcamps.com. Please be sure to check the website for the latest camp information before registering your child for camps.
27) Information for Volunteers
SPX Camps welcomes volunteers that are rising 9th grade or older. You can sign up to volunteer in camps on our registration page as well as order lunch for the dates you are volunteering. Be sure to complete the Volunteer Agreement form at the link provided in the registration. The full camp day is 9AM to 3PM, but volunteers are also welcome to assist in Early Drop Off and Extended Day Care. Volunteers should report to the Summer Camp office in the DeJoy Primary Education building by 8:50AM on the Monday of each new volunteer week to receive their camp assignment for the week.